So how much is Big Brother really watching you? I'm sure you think you are secure in your own little world, don't you? Believe me, you might be, but don't fool yourself - if the government wants to find you, they will. They have all the tools in place that hide behind how great the service is for YOU, when in reality it can be used to easily, and quickly track you down. Technology is moving forward faster than any of us know, and it can all be used to find you.
Let's start with the obvious - your home satellite feed. Go to Google Maps right now and I guarantee you that you can type in your home address only to see a satellite feed of your home. As far as how often this is updated, I cannot say, but your name is linked to your address (through purchasing or renting) and I'm sure if the government needed you, the same satellite would move over your home and take pictures - without your knowledge or consent. Obviously, there exists pictures of your property on the website already, and without your consent, so when will it stop? Next will they show off their newest technology by looking inside your home with one of these satellites? And at what point is a live, real time feed of your home provided for the world to see? And again, all without your consent.
Then, there is the introduction of V-Chips - both on our driver's license and for medical purposes. First off, there are the medical chips that will provide you with "better medical care" given that all your records will be on this chip implanted within your body. Sounds good on the surface? I think not. Please, explain to me how having your medical records recorded on your body will provide better medical CARE? The doctor I see will provide the care, not a chip on my body. Are you naive enough to think this chip will not be used to follow your every move?
And even if the medical chip was introduced with the best intentions and remain on the market for ONLY what they were presented for, there remains a more devastating "chip" soon to be released in mass marketing, and this "chip" we will have no choice BUT having if we wish to drive a vehicle - and that is a chip on your driver's license. Now, who among us does not take our license with us EVERYWHERE? What exactly is the point of having a chip on MY driver's license? I tell you, I've been getting along just fine without a chip on my license for years - and it's not likely to change. I don't see the benefit behind the chip on the license - the only thing about that is it is a way for you to be tracked EVERYWHERE you go, since most of us grab our wallets or purses on our way out the door - meaning your license will be with you 100% of the time, and thus, your whereabouts will be known at all times! Let that sink for a minute. Now, for those of you saying how great this would be since you aren't "doing anything wrong" let me tell you, that isn't the point. THEY are doing something wrong, and that's where the issue lies. It is your freedom being stripped from you, but either you don't care, or you're too stupid to realize it.
Recently I bought a vehicle with on-star, but I did not have it activated. The reason I chose to not activate it is I don't need someone knowing where my vehicle is at all times. Fine, it gets stolen and I can get it back - but honestly, that's what insurance is for (without having to have my privacy invaded). I figure anything that is smarter than I am cannot be good for me. I was told with on-star all I would have to do is push a button and I will be connected to them - after this connection the employee of on-star will, not only know my location, but can also tell me what is wrong with my vehicle - or unlock my doors, if the keys are inside - again, hiding behind some "great ideas" in order to KNOW YOUR LOCATION! GPS is the same thing. If a GPS system can tell you where you are going, where to turn, and "what steak to order" - then I don't need it; besides, that's what a map is for, and as for the steak, I'll order what I LIKE - I don't need a computer to think for me.
It's bad enough I can be "watched" on the Internet - but if I am going about my daily business as a FREE citizen of the United States, then I do not need to be watched constantly, and it's only going to get worse. Cameras are going up everywhere in name of safety and security, but then I get a ticket for "running a red light" when I was at the point of no return when approaching the intersection all because a camera took my picture. When will it end? And when will my freedoms be restored? It likely will not happen, and we are just going to have to find a way to co-exist with Big Brother.
Big Brother is indeed watching.
Let's start with the obvious - your home satellite feed. Go to Google Maps right now and I guarantee you that you can type in your home address only to see a satellite feed of your home. As far as how often this is updated, I cannot say, but your name is linked to your address (through purchasing or renting) and I'm sure if the government needed you, the same satellite would move over your home and take pictures - without your knowledge or consent. Obviously, there exists pictures of your property on the website already, and without your consent, so when will it stop? Next will they show off their newest technology by looking inside your home with one of these satellites? And at what point is a live, real time feed of your home provided for the world to see? And again, all without your consent.
Then, there is the introduction of V-Chips - both on our driver's license and for medical purposes. First off, there are the medical chips that will provide you with "better medical care" given that all your records will be on this chip implanted within your body. Sounds good on the surface? I think not. Please, explain to me how having your medical records recorded on your body will provide better medical CARE? The doctor I see will provide the care, not a chip on my body. Are you naive enough to think this chip will not be used to follow your every move?
And even if the medical chip was introduced with the best intentions and remain on the market for ONLY what they were presented for, there remains a more devastating "chip" soon to be released in mass marketing, and this "chip" we will have no choice BUT having if we wish to drive a vehicle - and that is a chip on your driver's license. Now, who among us does not take our license with us EVERYWHERE? What exactly is the point of having a chip on MY driver's license? I tell you, I've been getting along just fine without a chip on my license for years - and it's not likely to change. I don't see the benefit behind the chip on the license - the only thing about that is it is a way for you to be tracked EVERYWHERE you go, since most of us grab our wallets or purses on our way out the door - meaning your license will be with you 100% of the time, and thus, your whereabouts will be known at all times! Let that sink for a minute. Now, for those of you saying how great this would be since you aren't "doing anything wrong" let me tell you, that isn't the point. THEY are doing something wrong, and that's where the issue lies. It is your freedom being stripped from you, but either you don't care, or you're too stupid to realize it.
Recently I bought a vehicle with on-star, but I did not have it activated. The reason I chose to not activate it is I don't need someone knowing where my vehicle is at all times. Fine, it gets stolen and I can get it back - but honestly, that's what insurance is for (without having to have my privacy invaded). I figure anything that is smarter than I am cannot be good for me. I was told with on-star all I would have to do is push a button and I will be connected to them - after this connection the employee of on-star will, not only know my location, but can also tell me what is wrong with my vehicle - or unlock my doors, if the keys are inside - again, hiding behind some "great ideas" in order to KNOW YOUR LOCATION! GPS is the same thing. If a GPS system can tell you where you are going, where to turn, and "what steak to order" - then I don't need it; besides, that's what a map is for, and as for the steak, I'll order what I LIKE - I don't need a computer to think for me.
It's bad enough I can be "watched" on the Internet - but if I am going about my daily business as a FREE citizen of the United States, then I do not need to be watched constantly, and it's only going to get worse. Cameras are going up everywhere in name of safety and security, but then I get a ticket for "running a red light" when I was at the point of no return when approaching the intersection all because a camera took my picture. When will it end? And when will my freedoms be restored? It likely will not happen, and we are just going to have to find a way to co-exist with Big Brother.
Big Brother is indeed watching.
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